Earth Day 2013

DGR Chicago will be handing out information and answering questions at the Water is Life event.

Stop the War on Water

No Fracking, No Tar sands. Stop the War on Water. Please join us in thinking about the future, not profits. There will be music, speakers, and poetry from 4-5 pm. Likely moving to the American Indian Center for more music etc 6pm ish.

Dune Restoration at Loyola Park

Can’t wait for Earth Day? Dune restoration may be for you! This is not a DGR Chicago Event, but we would love to see you there!

Lend a hand at the Dune Restoration site at Loyola Park and help restore a native wilderness area right here in the city! This project will entail weeding of invasive plant species removing macro and micro-trash from the restoration site. Learn how crucial the dunes are to local species. Click here for a flyer.

4th Mess Hall Lecture

Today is our fourth and final presentation on the book
Deep Green Resistance, by Lierre Keith, Aric McBay, and Derrick Jensen.

Today’s presentation is scheduled to be on Decisive Ecological Warfare. What does the future hold if we do nothing? If there is a limited resistance? If there are all out attacks on infrastructure?

Get informed about DGR Chicago, have your questions answered, and think about joining.

We are recruiting!

END:CIV screening at MultiKulti

We are very happy to announce that Deep Green Resistance Chicago will be hosting a presentation at MultiKulti in Chicago of Franklin López’s documentary EndCiv.

EndCiv poste jpg

END:CIV features interviews with Paul Watson, Waziyatawin, Gord Hill, Michael Becker, Peter Gelderloos, Lierre Keith, James Howard Kunstler, Stephanie McMillan, Qwatsinas, Rod Coronado, John Zerzan and more.

Discussion: Likely

Members of Deep Green Resistance will be available with literature and discussion after the screening.

A blurb about this documentary:

END:CIV is the first feature film to analyze our culture’s addiction to systemic violence, industrial capitalism and environmental exploitation, as evidenced by the current epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based on the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen and the runaway success of director Franklin Lopez, END:CIV asks: “”If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?”

Check out the website for EndCiv here

More praise for EndCiv:

“In END:CIV, Franklin López does a refreshingly thorough and well packaged job of laying out the inherently self-destructive nature of westernized civilization and the ineptitude of peaceful reform. Using Derrick Jensen’s Endgame as a lose framework, López not only identifies root causes of systemic oppression and exploitation, but also exposes the deceptive nature of reformism and green-washing, instead spotlighting examples of indigenous resistance and the Earth Liberation Front. By the end of the film, passionate viewers will no longer just be questioning not whether western civilization is justified, but what they themselves can do to help bring it down.”

-Leslie James Pickering
Former spokesman for the Earth Liberation Front

Tabling at musical event

Just letting everyone know that DGR Chicago plans on seeing the performance of two fantastic bands in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago.

Who: The opening act is the Chicago band Cavepainters followed by Michigan’s Big Dudee Roo

Reservations: Though not required, Uncommon Ground is a fantastic restaurant, and it could get crowded, so reservations are suggested. Uncommon Ground is primarily a restaurant, so the music will be in the small room in the back. And, they can serve you dinner.

Website for Uncommon Ground Devon

A couple of folks from DGR Chicago plan on being there all evening, so if you want to hear some great music and learn a bit about DGR Chicago, we will have some flyers etc, for you, and would love for you to drop in for some conversation and to enjoy the vibe of these fine musicians.

Quick Review, NATO Protests

The excitement of all the protests over the past week are starting to settle down, and there has been so much going on in Chicago it’s hard to keep up.  The Can/G8  folks did a remarkable job of putting the march on, and getting everyone out. I heard it was the largest anti Nato protest in U.S. history. Unfortunately, the end of the march was marred by the actions of the Chicago Police who couldn’t resist putting their billy clubs to use. Too bad the police couldn’t have put those clubs down and come over to the side where their true interest lies.

Many remarkable stories are out there, so I wanted to provide a few links to some folks that have put some skill and heart into sharing their stories.

One is the story of Shana Foster, a vet who participated in the ceremony at the end of the march in which vets threw their medals back to at the Nato members. This is a link to the Common Dreams website which has her story.

For a more full account of the day of protest, Sunday, May 21st, check out Nick Egnatz’s blog which gives his observation of the day’s event here. What’s great about this story is Mr. Egnatz does take some time to give a little history and to explore some of the undercover actions that the Chicago Police and others were up to, trying to whip up fear and hysteria against the protesters.

Obviously, there are also many, many, pictures/videos etc all around the web regarding the march, you won’t have any trouble finding info about the march. Check this site out for example, with some good links as well, outlining  a couple of the 70 instances of police misconduct that the National Lawyers Guild suggests occured.

I was very happy to have folks from Wisconsin DGR Action Group come down and join us, bring their banner, their energy, and great attitudes to bolster our Chicago DGR contingent.

A big thank you to Seeds of Peace Collective for coming and doing the work they do to keep folks feed and fueled.

Also, many thanks to the folks of Occupy Chicago, the Chicago chapter of Rising Tide, who provide so much support to those in the environmental contingent organizing for the march,  P.E.R.R.O., and their actions in support of not only the march, but their constant speaking out and acting against the companies polluting the Pilsen area of Chicago. Of course there are many, many others, but one person I don’t want to forget is Vince Emanuel, ex-Marine, and member of Iraq Veterans against the War, (IVAW). His moving words are heartfelt and important to hear, as he recognizes where the true enemy is.

My name is Vince Emanuele, and I served with the United States Marine Corps. First and foremost, this is for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Second of all, this is for our real forefathers. I’m talking about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. I’m talking about the Black Panthers. I’m talking about the civil rights movement. I’m talking about unions. I’m talking about our socialist brothers and sisters, our communist brothers and sisters, our anarchist brothers and sisters, and our ecology brothers and sisters. That’s who our real forefathers are. And lastly—and lastly and most importantly, our enemies are not 7,000 miles from home. They sit in boardrooms. They are CEOs. They are bankers. They are hedge fund managers. They do not live 7,000 miles from home. Our enemies are right here, and we look at them every day. They are not the men and women who are standing on this police line. They are the millionaires and billionaires who control this planet, and we’ve had enough of it. So they can take their medals back.

It was great to be out that Sunday.  I’m hoping you will be with us at the next march, that we have 25o,ooo protesters in the street, and that that’s just the start of something really happening.


DGR Chicago and Wisconsin at the Anti-Nato March

DGRs Chicago and Wisconsin chapters working together for the first time to bring attention to the planet destruction caused by the increasing militarization of the planet. Here are a few photos for your pleasure!


Fabuuuulous DGR Banner. Thanks Ben, Val, and Katy for coming down and bringing such a great banner



CanG8 Rally

Please come downtown for the CANG8 rally and march to protest the war mongering of NATO which continues to equal environmental destruction, and exploitation of those in “other” countries as well as increasing the police state and repression at home.

Don’t let the police scare tactics keep you home. It’s going to be a beautiful day for a march. The Environmental Justice Contingent will be there, including Deep Green Resistance, Rising Tide, Perro, and many others. Look for the big GREEN flag.. likely in the northwest corner of the park near the Petrillo Band Shell. Then look for the Deep Green Resistance banner.